In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, efficiency and sustainability are key. UV Smart's D60 is a game-changer, offering a more sustainable and time-efficient method for disinfecting channel-less endoscopes. This innovative technology is not only transforming the disinfection process but also significantly reducing CO2 emissions in healthcare.
The traditional disinfection method involves an 8-step process, including transportation of endoscopes to a Central Sterilization Department (CSD), pre-cleaning, disinfection in a washing machine, and transportation back to the outpatient clinic. This process is time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring significant amounts of water, chemicals, and energy.
Enter the UV Smart D60. This device simplifies the process to just 6 steps,eliminating the need for transportation and reducing the disinfection time to just 60 seconds. The endoscope is cleaned immediately after consultation, manually pre-cleaned with a damp microfiber cloth, and then exposed to UV-C light in the D60. After disinfection, the endoscope can be used immediately ortransported back to the patient's room.
“To put this into perspective, the CO2 emissions saved could powerthe Eiffel Tower for 119 days!”
The benefits of this new method are significant. The D60 saves 1547 liters of chemicals, 7875 liters of water, 3686.8 KWh of energy, and 2772 kilometers of transportation annually. This translates to a reduction of 8703.65 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year. To put this into perspective, the CO2 emissions saved could power the Eiffel Tower for 119 days!
Moreover, the turnaround time for endoscopes using the D60 is only 12 minutes, compared to 60-96 minutes with traditional methods. This means that healthcare professionals can save significant time, leading to more efficient operations and the ability to treat more patients.
The D60 also offers the advantage of decentralizing the sterilization process. Endoscopes can be disinfected on-site, reducing the need for transportation and the risk of damage to endoscopes. This approach is not only cost-effective but also more sustainable.
However, the adoption of this innovative method requires a change in guidelines and pragmatic handling ofregulations. While UV-C disinfection is included in the Netherlands' Steering Group for Flexible Endoscope Cleaning and Disinfection, it is not always included in national regulations in other countries.
The UV Smart D60 is already successfully used in numerous hospitals in Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, England, and France. It is CE certified in Europeunder the MDR and proven to be effective.
In conclusion, the UV Smart D60 is a revolutionary device that offers a more sustainable and time-efficient method for disinfecting channel-less endoscopes. It not only reduces the workload in healthcare but also significantly cuts down CO2 emissions, contributing to a more sustainable future for healthcare.
Interested in learning more about the UV Smart D60 and its impact on healthcare efficiency and sustainability? We invite you to download the full white paper for a comprehensive understanding of this innovative technology.